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30-Day Plank Challenge Guide & Success Tracker

30-Day Plank Challenge Guide & Success Tracker


Hey everyone! I'm thrilled to invite you to take part in our 30-Day Plank Challenge!

This is your chance to build incredible core strength, enhance your mental focus, and boost your metabolism— all by incorporating a simple yet powerful exercise into your daily routine.

This 38-page informational guide and tracker describes 9 different types of planks in detail with photo examples for each. You can print the book or use your phone, computer or tablet to make notes in the fillable tracker form. Log your plank seconds and take notes. Jot down how you felt, if it was easy, maybe it was tough or if you tried something new.

Also included are 8 healthy meal options for breakfast, snacks, lunch and dinner.

You can re-challenge yourself and use the tracker many times over and incorporate more advanced plank styles as you progress. Happy Planking!

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